APWU Supports Improved USPS Service Standards and Strongly Opposes USPS Privatization

Since 2012, mail delivery service standards at the Postal Service have been severely reduced. Many in the previous administration branded privatization as a quick fix to the complex problems facing USPS. Reducing service standards, delaying mail service to the American people, or privatizing the USPS in order to sell it to the highest bidder are simply unacceptable options. While we know resolutions are not binding, nor law, these resolutions express the strong sense of Congress that we must strengthen the people's public Postal Service.

House Resolution 277

Lead Cosponsor: Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE-02)

This resolution expresses the collective view of the House that USPS must restore its service standards to those in effect as of July 1, 2012.

Degradations in service standards come from those claiming reduced mail speed will be a cost savings to the Postal Service. However, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) has found that these reductions are unnecessary and the savings have been a small fraction of original estimates.

Furthermore, reductions in mail speed drive away business and damage the reliability of USPS. The PRC found that when mail service slows, people use the mail less.

Restoring service standards is feasible with targeted investments. USPS should improve their network by reopening or repurposing existing facilities to ensure that the public can receive their mail in a timely manner.

House Resolution 439

Lead Cosponsor: Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA-08)

This resolution expresses the House's support for taking all appropriate measures to ensure that the Postal Service is not subject to privatization.

Privatization would mean the end of our publicly owned and operated United States Postal Service, to be replaced in part, or whole, by private corporate interests. This would also mean the potential elimination of our jobs with all of our negotiated benefits. Further, it jeopardizes the future of our hardearned retirement and healthcare benefits.

The establishment of post offices is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and by law, USPS must provide service to all parts of the nation. Privatizing the Postal Service and eliminating this universal service mandate will have a very real and very negative impact on those who depend on affordable and reliable mail delivery. It means service cuts and substantial rate increases for millions!

Click to download a copy of this Legislative Priority.